Boy Berends (1986) is a conceptual documentary photographer based in Utrecht, The Netherlands. This site contains his portfolio and some personal projects.

Email address: boyberends at gmail dot com

He went to art school, did an internship and worked for some people.

He also made the site you are looking at right now, more at beebee.

And now he is tired of writing about himself in the third person.


An Exploration Of My Manliness

One day I noticed a long thin chest hair in the bathroom mirror. Was that a hair sticking out of my chest? I took another look and was quite surprised about my discovery: it was a chest hair! I always was under the assumption I didn't have any chest hair. It turns out I was wrong all this time. Upon closer inspection I noticed even more chest hairs! To celebrate my newfound masculinity I decided to photograph my chest hair.

This is a documentation (and celebration) of all my chest hairs.

Thanks to Gerard Suk for helping me out with this.





